
沒有這個頁面的資訊。,2022年10月2日—TheFreeTypesourcecodebundlecontainsprojectfilesforvariousversionsofMicrosoftVisualC++andVisualStudioforx64,Windows32,and ...,FreeTypeisasoftwarefontenginethatisdesignedtobesmall,efficient,highlycustomizableandportablewhilecapableofproducinghigh-qualityoutput( ...,2022年10月24日—FT_FREETYPE_Hisaspecialmacrodefinedinfileftheader.h.Itcontainssomeinstallation-spe...



FreeType Downloads

2022年10月2日 — The FreeType source code bundle contains project files for various versions of Microsoft Visual C++ and Visual Studio for x64, Windows 32, and ...

FreeType for Windows

FreeType is a software font engine that is designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable and portable while capable of producing high-quality output ( ...

FreeType Tutorial I

2022年10月24日 — FT_FREETYPE_H is a special macro defined in file ftheader.h . It contains some installation-specific macros to name other public header files of ...

freetype — Homebrew Formulae

freetype. Install command: brew install freetype ????. Also known as: freetype2. Software library to render fonts. License: FTL.


Installation of FreeType2. If you downloaded the additional documentation, unpack it into the source tree using the following command: tar -xf .


Installation with an external FreeType library (the default). Install just the pure Python library and let it find a system-wide installed FreeType at runtime.


Official mirror of - freetype/freetype. ... Read the files `docs/INSTALL*` for installation ... freetype-doc-2.13.2 ...

The FreeType Project

FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts. It is written in C, designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable, and portable ...